Learn Watercolor Painting Techniques Step by Step

Learn Watercolor Painting Techniques Step by Step. Freepik image.

The watercolor painting technique is one of the most fascinating and expressive forms of visual art.. This unique technique has a long history dating back to the ancient masters of the art., who used it to create timeless works. The promise of this comprehensive guide is to delve deeply into the fundamental and advanced techniques of watercolor painting, … Read more

Discover 3 Essential Painting Techniques for Beginners

Discover 3 Essential Painting Techniques for Beginners. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

If you are an art enthusiast or a budding artist, Understanding different painting techniques is essential to hone your skills and express your creativity effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we will deeply explore the different approaches to painting, from the traditional oil painting technique to the delicate art of watercolor. … Read more

Graffiti workshops and living pictures are design attractions for "grandparents and grandchildren" at Sesc

Graffiti Artists Sorocabanos, Will Ferreira and Michel Japs present concepts about Art The Sesc Sorocaba project aims to provide the experience of a different and pleasant coexistence between grandparents and grandchildren, seeking integration, joint creation and discoveries, continues in February with new attractions. All activities are free, open to the public … Read more

Cultural program for grandparents and grandchildren is option in Sesc Sorocaba

Watercolor course, movie display and workshop are some of the attractions is vacation time. Time to strengthen ties with the family, try the new, play and have fun. The project "grandparents and grandchildren", SESC Sorocaba, will be held during the period from 11 from January to 26 February and search integration, creation … Read more