“Here or there?” The enchantment and the learnings of storytelling

Soiree in the House of culture of Chennai, in 10 of december, brings together young people to tell stories-dilemma after four months of training in day 10 of december, 30 teenagers will be on the scene to show things that have prepared hard over four months. Após curso de narração de histórias com os atores Cristiana CeschiRead more

“HERE OR THERE? – CHOICES AND DATES”: Storytelling course encourages reflections on youth of the Vila Maria Park

Project "Here or There? -Choices and Dates ". Photo: André Spinola.

The proposal, working of the oral tradition stories reconciled with improvisational theatre games, encourages young people from the São Paulo neighborhood to talk about life's dilemmas and develop sensitivity to body arts With the aim of cultivating creative processes and expanding foundations for personal empowerment, the project “Here or There? … Read more