How to launch an artist's career? specialist explains

MIC. Photo: Pixabay/MF Press Global. (illustrative).

More and more new artists are emerging with a big dream in common: a successful career. For the digital distribution specialist, Jeff Nuno, one of the things that the artist needs is strategy. Jeff explained that when it comes to this strategic issue, he says the artist and his team need to have a vision … Read more

Portuguese archaeologist warns in her book that one of the oldest human settlements in the world will disappear

Hasankeyf. Photo: Café Central / MF Global Press.

Portuguese archeologist and historian, Joana Freitas, has a book published in a Brazilian publisher for more than 12.000 years, the river Tigris sustains the people of Hasankeyf, which is considered one of the oldest known human settlements. Now time is running out for the ancient city, which is about to be submerged by the waters of the reservoir … Read more

A well-known Portuguese-Brazilian is highlighted in Portugal and an important navigator in his ancestor is revealed

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: CPAH.

At the end of the 15th century, Christopher Columbus left Madeira Island (Portugal) and discovered America. Now, at the beginning of the 21st century, a Brazilian does the opposite way and brings incredible doses of wisdom to share with the Portuguese people of this same region. Who carries the blood of this region is the neuroscientist, philosopher and … Read more

Fabiano de Abreu launches book that says that anyone can be famous

“How to become a celebrity” is the new book by Fabiano de Abreu. The book reveals the secrets of how to become famous publicist that soared over 500 people to fame. In just five years, the press officer, philosopher and psychoanalyst Fabiano de Abreu achieved the feat of becoming the … Read more

Media Agency CEO opens up about how to achieve the dream verification seal Instagram

A MF Press Global, media relations and social media company with headquarters in Brazil, US and Portugal, It is an international company that most filed check seal applications on Instagram, accounting for more than 500 requests. The CEO of the company, o jornalista e empresário Fabiano de Abreu, abriu o jogo sobre comoRead more

Jennifer Lobo, founder and CEO of social networking platform My Sponsor, explains the importance of friendships in our lives

When I decided to move to Brazil in 2013, I had to make choices. Like everything in life, I chose to get my family references and new opportunities, but left many important things back. Was born and lived in the United States until the 25 years. Deixei meus pais na Flórida quando entrei na faculdade e depois fui meRead more

bad thoughts at night can bring bad consequences, Abreu explains Fabiano

Science recently published the discovery of a substance in our brain, in advance, which means that we have bad thoughts, especially at night. It is common that people might have insomnia, unwanted thoughts and even attitudes as a result. The philosopher Fabiano de Abreu had already published in his social network … Read more

Philosophy: “A solution to the sorrow can be the exchange of character” by Fabiano de Abreu

When something you agony, the shuffling is thought by the lack of answers, the inability to find the solution. Sadness installs itself as a variable, in constant substitutions between the good times and contained sadness. A natural remedy could not think, or at least replace the quality of thought. Distracted on the things “funny ', funny. Abrir-seRead more

“Worth living, live worthwhile” by Fabiano de Abreu

Fabiano de Abreu. Photo: Vagner Souza / MF Global Press.

We are a generation of many who have been here and the many who will be here. these, many will fall by the wayside. No matter the weather, no matter the age, what matters is to do something so that your life does not exist by mere accounting. The changes will only be felt from the actions, the … Read more

Besides the prestige as Advisor, the Luso-Brazilian Fabiano de Abreu now Immortalizes your name among the largest Brazilian writers of history

National Library of Brazil, the city of Rio de Janeiro. Photo: Ricardo Barguine.

What the end point for success? To the writer, philosopher, Publicist and journalist Fabiano de Abreu, owner of MF Global Press, There seems to be no. Prestigious world fitness Advisor, Fabiano will have your name immortalized among the great writers in the history of Brazil. That's because your book “Live Might Not Be So Bad” … Read more