Children's books show the charm of the beautiful stories

The books covers artist Giselle Vasquez. Disclosure.

Show the charming power of the most beautiful stories, This is the proposal of children's books by the artist Giselle Vasquez. She throws two books simultaneously, "The boy and the Star" and "the blue-haired girl". The works are as fun and do dream, in addition to training young people … Read more

Penalux Publisher launches work of Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist of Literature

Livro Ethan Frome de Edith Wharton. Disclosure.

Penalux publishing promotes a literary rescue to launch the classic novel Ethan Frome, Edith Wharton, with the translation of Chico Lopes. The book, It is told from the perspective of the Narrator, account of the life and tragedy of the character who gives title to the work. Content packed psychologist, the author tells a love story full of … Read more

Mozambican poet launches "the angles of the House"

The book "the angles of the House" marks the debut of the Mozambican poet Matt Joshua in Brazil. Published by Penalux Publishing House and with the presentation of the writer Mia Couto, the work speaks with several complex issues, as sexuality, affection and eroticism. The "House", highlighted in poetry, is represented by the writer as the psychic space, the interior and … Read more

Book shows how the poetry

The poetry is born of something. It may be of note, of the disease, joy, the lull, of the unusual, of the study and the unthinkable, this is what writer Severino Antônio says in his new book “Nascentes”. Published by Penalux, the work intends to show the origin of this literary genre, that is, onde realmente nascem osRead more

The Zero gravity by David Bowie

“Zero Gravity” is the new book of poems by the writer Alexander Guarnieri, winner of the Jabuti Award 2015. New work, published by the publisher Penalux, It is a tribute to the singer David Bowie embodied that gave life to the astronaut Major Tom in the songs "Space Oddity", “Ashes to Ashes” e “Hallo Spaceboy’. According to the writer, o livro conta sobre um astronauta perdido que decide escrever poemasRead more

Book portrays the pains and joys of nostalgia

Who was never the reflective remember and miss you from the past? É sobre isso que o autor paraibano Jairo Cézar aborda em “O Peso das Gotas”. The book, It was winner of the prêmio José Américo de Literature, is divided into 5 parts, and brings the reader to the pains and joys of nostalgia, contendo referências literáriasRead more

We're all ' bugs ' metros

Show the reader the "bug" that every human being carries within itself. This is the intention of the writer Anchieta Mendes with his new book "Metropolitan Bug". The work brings to literature the daily lives of people showing the animal side of human being in a colloquial form, ironic and angles, at the same time, … Read more

Book celebrates the beauty and the desires of life

Writer, that has been a finalist for the Jabuti award, exudes sensuality without using old cliches in new work through words, present feelings that convey sensuality, beauty and pleasure for life. This is essence of the poems of Paul's port in his new book "Silver Dog". With lightness and intensity, without fear or trembling, … Read more

The human body in the form of poetry

New Jabuti award winning work wins new edition In order to explain the wonderful creation of the human body in the form of poetry, Alexander Guarnieri plays with words to describe the creation and evolution of beings by means of biology. Reprinted by Penalux, the book "Body blanks", Jabuti Award winner 2015, … Read more

Brazil receives unprecedented work of award-winning Argentine poet

Livro de Rodolfo Alonso contará com tradução de imortal da ABL Conhecido por ser amigo pessoal dos escritores Carlos Drummond de Andrade e Murilo Mendes, the Argentine poet Rodolfo Alonso will have their work translated into Portuguese. Edited by Penalux, o livro “Poemas Pendentes” trata-se de uma edição bilíngue que reúne textos inéditos de AlonsoRead more