an exhibition, one stop, a procession, two cultural centers and lots of art. this is the parade 7!

Stop 7: art in resistance. Disclosure.

an exhibition, one stop, a procession, two cultural centers and lots of art. this is the parade 7! On 7 September art and culture will make their voices heard around democracy, of independence and the Brazilian social situation. O Centro Cultural Justiça Federal e o Centro Municipal de ArteRead more

Federal Justice Cultural Center presents unprecedented exhibition by Rogério Reis and brand 45 years of trajectory of the talented artist of Brazilian photography

Rogerio Reis's Timeline.

“Unlike traveling photographers, I prefer to interact with my city. I was born in the Engenho Novo neighborhood, and I divided my adolescence between Tijuca and Zona Sul. My representation crisis with an explicit photograph, literal and manichean, led me to practice reflective photography. Ela foi em parte inspirada no olhar desvianteRead more

CCJF reopens its doors from 3 August

CCJF reopens its doors from 3 August, featured. Disclosure.

The CCJF will reopen its doors, partially, from next tuesday, day 3 August, complying with all protective measures determined by the authorities. In this first moment, visitation will be restricted to the entrance hall., with an exhibition on the memory of the Federal Court and the history of the building – which was once the seat of the Supreme … Read more

CCJF Cultural Festival at Home

CCJF Cultural Festival at Home. Disclosure.

The Federal Justice Cultural Center presents the CCJF Cultural Festival at Home, an online space for performances, shows, theatrical presentations, movie showing, lectures, chats, courses, shows, show, among other activities. The Festival will begin this July and reinforces the CCJF's mission of encouraging and guaranteeing access for the population … Read more

CCJF publishes General Regulations for Project Presentation 2021

CCJF publishes General Regulations for Project Presentation 2021, banner, featured. Disclosure.

The Centro Cultural Justiça Federal published the General Regulations for the Presentation of Projects for the year 2021. Registration is free and runs until the day 10 January and the results of the selection will be announced on 16 March. Projects can be in the areas of Visual Arts and Photography, Audiovisual, Performing Arts, … Read more

fans against Star Wars tomorrow, no CCJF #StarWarsNoCCJF

The CCJF AND THE COUNCIL JEDI RIO DE JANEIRO PRESENT: “THE JUSTICE IS WITH YOU” Tomorrow we will have the premiere event “That justice be with you“, organized by CCJF and the Jedi Council Rio de Janeiro, and supported by Zion School and the SISEJUFE. O evento consiste em um grande encontro de fãs daRead more

“That justice be with you”, fan meeting in CCJF #StarWarsNoCCJF

In the days 09 and 10 November, the CCJF hold the event “That justice be with you”, feito em parceria com Conselho Jedi Rio de Janeiro e apoiado pela Escola Zion. ? Este encontro de fãs girará em torno do universo de Star Wars, tendo como fio condutor as relações com o Direito. Promoverá discussõesRead more

CCJF welcomes submission of papers for Seminar II Women, Power and Democracy – Intersections between rights and Po(ethical)

Registration for submission of papers of the Seminar II Women, Power and Democracy – Intersections between rights and Po(ethical) the Federal Justice Cultural Center (CCJF) They are now open. The event takes place between 27 and 29 March and interested parties can send their productions until the day 20/03. Serão aceitos trabalhos na modalidade comunicação oralRead more

Federal Justice Cultural Center opens unprecedented exhibition of photographer José Diniz

Federal Justice Cultural Center opens unprecedented exhibition of photographer José Diniz with visual and poetic work in which memory and the past are translated into a special tribute artist for his father. BETWEEN THE RIVER SHORES Opening: Tuesday 27 de novembro De 28 th November of 2018 to 03 February 2019 “O queRead more