Paul Klee Exhibition by Rosângela Vig

You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig: It was the insane project From age without routine And he lived, despelando up Of all the skin that had no fear, washed his hands than he had been: At night, he would leap over the walls, Searching for new people. (MELO … Read more

ROBERTO RANGEL - Sculpture Exhibition

From 04 of the February 16 March, the State Public Library of Minas Gerais Belo Horizonte will receive, in February and March 2019, the Sculpture Exhibition of Roberto Rangel, It consists of a collection of about 30 sculptures, produced in woods, marble, soap stone and bronze, with measurements of 25 cm a 2 … Read more

Periscope Gallery Contemporary Art opens exhibition "Republic of Cobra"

The Periscope Gallery Contemporary Art opens the exhibition "Republic of Cobra", drawn from unpublished and past work of artists Randolpho Lamonier and Thiago Martins de Melo, curated by Germano Dusha, This Wednesday (21/11), the 7:0 pm to 10:0 pm. The show features paintings, embroidery and facilities to 5 January 2019. Os artistas explicamRead more

POP UP Gallery debut in BH 13 to 15 April Garden in Canada

1Edition in Belo Horizonte! POP UP Fashion une Gallery, art and design in the Garden Canada 13 to 15 April Fashion, design and art. Unir estas três áreas em perfeita harmonia e proporcionar ao público uma experiência de compra que une um line up de marcas e designers que estão fora do circuitoRead more

ATELIÊ'S project, collective painting, plural art

Opening: 14 March 2018, 19h Visitation: By 20 de Abril Idealization and Curatorship Iara Abreu The proposal of the ATELIÊ'S Project is to provoke a reflection on the paradigm of artistic production, breaking the logic of solitary and individualistic design that usually prevail in the visual arts. Iara Abreu convida diversos artistas com quem tem algumaRead more

Embroidered Painting Exhibition [ensaio sobre a cegueira]

“The eyes look, and to see so little, procuram o que deve estar faltando e não encontram.” José Saramago A Galeria Paulo Campos Guimarães da Biblioteca Pública Estadual de Minas Gerais apresenta a exposição PINTURA BORDADA do artista visual Domingos Mazzilli a partir do dia 30 November. The exhibition is composed of 13 works … Read more

Maíse Couto invites you to the opening of her exhibition “How To Arrange Flowers In A Jar II”

The shows "HOW to GET FLOWERS in a JAR II" 06 new works by artist Maíse Couto, on display of 24/10/2017 to 25/11/2017, on Biblioteca Pública Estadual Luiz de Bessa, located in Praça da Liberdade, 21, Employees neighborhood, Belo Horizonte, MG. The series of works assembled for her second individual show, is a result … Read more

“BRASILIDADE”, Exhibition of artist Raquel Lima

Between comings and goings, I've been charting my artistic career in a frantic search for grow, acquire knowledge and give my art better than my soul can offer. Since I was a kid, to accompany my late father with your poesis, I learned to have a different look, watching the world otherwise. This … Read more

RELIGARE – Exhibition of paintings by Manoel Teixeira

Manoel Teixeira, Goddess of the Valley, 57 x 72 cm. Photo: Disclosure.

From 16 from August to 16 September 2017 The shows RELIGARE brings together a continuous production of paintings, from a constructive geometric design more strict, joined to a representation of life in its most essential elements, buscando sempre um olhar atento e sensível às relações entre formas eRead more

Arnaldo Dias Baptista presents Unprecedented Exposure on the Ponteio Lar Shopping in Belo Horizonte (17/8)

Exhibition "Resistance: the mutant science of existence ", Arnaldo Dias Baptista individual. Photo: Henry Queiroga.

Solo exhibition "resistance: the mutant science of existence "brings together paintings from ex-mutante, that now is dedicated entirely to plastic arts. From 17 august to 17 September, with free admission. After three solo exhibitions in São Paulo, "Magnetic Lens" (2012), "Exorealismo" (2014), both Emma Thomas Gallery, and the occupation “Transmigração” at Caixa Cultural … Read more