Rodrigo Silva - “About the Divine light of naive art”

Tony Franco é Administrador de Empresas.
Tony Franco is a Business Administrator.

Rodrigo, tell us a little about yourself ...

My full name is Rodrigo Manoel da Silva, but I sign as Rodrigo S.. I was born in Brazil, city ​​of São José do Rio Preto, interior of SP, I developed the gift since I was little, with its own style… I never took painting classes, all intuitive freehand…

When he woke up his desire to be an artist?


I started to arouse desire from the age of seven…

What kind of art do you like best?

I like all styles… but I identified with naive art…

Rodrigo Silva é Artista Plástico.
Rodrigo Silva is a Plastic Artist.

How he developed his style?

I go a lot by intuition, with each brushstroke new ideas and creations emerge…

Cite if you have had artistic influences in your works and which artists..

I really like Fernando Botero and several artists worlds are wonderful…

Do you have a family member or acquaintance who is an artist?

Yes, my uncle drew very well…

Living from art is possible?

Yes, it is possible.. never give up on your goals and focuses…

Ever thought about not acting with more art? can comment why?

Laughter has this happened to me… but the desire for art is so strong, she comes to me…

What skills are needed today for the artist?

Goodwill and persistence...

What do you feel when you create or appreciate a work of art?

a very great pleasure, divine energy ...

Your inspirations to create a work of art?

comes in shapes, gestures, places, sacred and cosmic arts…

Which art has impressed you the most so far?

It's hard to write but I think they're all wonderful., I'm very eclectic.

You must always be creating or creating only at certain times?

It depends on the day and the inspiration



The product of your work is unique or has a close or distant relationship to your previous work?

When I develop that painting it is unique and authentic…

What are the challenges of art / artist in the current scenario?

The biggest challenge I think is the pandemic we are living in in the current scenario… the lack of sponsorship…

Social networks have helped you to spread your work?


How plastic arts can contribute to education and culture?

Enriches and enhances…

How you analyze the qualities of a work of art?

she opens a fan, a very great diversity, it's enriching, is enterprising… a work well done in each style is already perfect.…

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What are the criteria for stipulating the value of a work of art?

It depends a lot on the style, the finish and size of the screens..

Talk about your projects today ...

There are countless wonderful projects…

What's your advice for those just starting out?

Never give up on your goals.. faith, focus and good cheer…

If you want to leave a message ...

Art resurrects even the impossible, it's transformative…

About your exhibitions, have any comments regarding, feelings…

Each exhibition it's a contagious magic of many joys, satisfaction and a lot of gratitude...

How would you define your art in one line?

About the Divine light of naive art.

Social Media:

Facebook: Rodrigo silva

Instagram: srodrigosilva780

Whatsapp: 17 99629-3388

E-mail: [email protected]



* Thanks to Buana Lima, plastic artist advisor, for all the pertinent information the interview.



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