National Museum of the Republic receives Itinerant Sculptures Festival organized by carioca


The Festival of Itinerant Sculptures follows in poster, with free admission, until day 27 August, at the National Museum of the Republic, in Brasília, with the participation of 24 artists from different States of Brazil and international.

From the results of its first two editions (2015 and 2016), the The river Sculptures Festival, follows in full steam and growth, on the function of performing your third edition in November in Rio de Janeiro. Meanwhile, the reality of the Festival has gone way beyond expectations, not only in Rio de Janeiro, but now receiving invitations for your achievement in different cities, being created so the Festival of Itinerant Sculptures.

With the curator of Visual Arts producer Carpenter Paul Barry, the show features sculptures by different techniques, materials and styles, in which the visitor walks by the diversity.


"We intend to, Add to this traveling show, 2 (two) new artists from each State, where the same pass, strengthening the exhibition with the presentation of his works, joining the group in path of itinerancy, going to Rio de Janeiro at the end of the tour, part of our issue of 2018 the River sculptures Festival. The Festival also has promoted an exchange between artists from different generations, styles, cities and nationalities; always seeking to bring to the public news. "Says Barry.

Among the artists, the cariocas Goncalo Ivo, Raul Mourão, Marcos Cardoso and Cris Cabus, the paulista Halim Milani, the miner Jorge dos Anjos, the Chilean Lorena Olivares, the Danish Jesper Neergaard, Portuguese Susana Petticoat and the Uruguayan Boris Romero. We emphasize also the brazilan Szturm and Elyeser artists Sanagê Carey.

The exhibition "Festival of Itinerant Sculptures"playing at the National Museum of the Republic, in Brasília, in the period of 27 from July to 27 August, with free admission. As a consequence will go to Goiânia, on Cultural Cora Coralina Village, in the period of 25 October to 15 January 2018. And in March 2018, in the frame – Museum of contemporary art of Mato Grosso do Sul, in Campo Grande. The festival awaits new confirmations.

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Complete list of participating artists of the Festival of Itinerant Sculptures:

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Alex Moreira Alves-BA, Aline Matheus – RJ, Halim Milani-SP, Boris Romero-Uruguay, Carlos Muniz-MG, Cenildo Silva-BA, Cris Cabus-RJ, Elyeser Szturm-DF, Goncalo Ivo-RJ, Jesper Neergaard-Denmark, Jorge dos Anjos-MG, Lorena Olivares-Chile, Marçal Athayde – MA, Marcelo Lago-RJ, Marcos Cardoso-RJ, Moema White-RJ, Osvaldo Luiz Gaia – PA, Raul Mourão-RJ, Renato Brunello – Italy, Roberto Chagas-RS, Robson Macedo-RJ, Sanagê Cardoso-DF, Susana Petticoat-Portugal, Zé Tarcisio Ramos-EC.

Festival of Itinerant Sculptures
Local: National Museum of the Republic in Brasilia (Cultural Sector South, batch 2, next to the bus station of the pilot plan – Zone 0.)
Visitation: from 27 from July to 27 August, from Tuesday to Sunday, from 9:00 to 6:30 pm.
Free entry.
Information: (61) 3325-5220 and (61) 3325-6410.

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