FCC and SEEC firm term of adherence of Curitiba to the State System of Museums


The President of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba, Marcos Cordiolli, and the Secretary of State for culture, João Luiz Fiani, signed this Tuesday (6) the technical cooperation agreement for accession of the municipal museums of Curitiba to the State System of Museums of Paraná. The partnership allows the Union of efforts to manage, modernization, dissemination and training in museological area for the benefit of the four museums kept by the FCC: Municipal Museum of art, Museum of Engraving, Photography Museum and sacred art museum.

“Membership of municipal museums the State System opens prospects for a greater attendance of the population. The museums are cultural equipment by excellence and play an important role in public policies ", Cordiolli said, Noting that a similar agreement was implemented in relation to notices of the Municipal law of incentive to culture.

"The adjustment of systems and practices of cultural policies is priority. We have advanced very quickly in several regulatory protocols. Adopt this measure in relation to the administration of grant programs, taking advantage of equipment, technologies and expertise of a functional and efficient system ", highlighted.

Marili Azim, João Luiz Fiani, Marcos Cordiolli e Rodrigo Marques (esq p/ dir). Foto: Cido Marques.
Rima Azim, João Luiz Fiani, Marcos Cordiolli and Rodrigo Marques (Esq p/dir). Photo: Doreen Marques.

The Secretary João Luiz Fiani, the partnership brings gains for both sides. "We note that the museums of Paraná act very alone and, Despite the important role they play, are relegated to a second plan, working on the edge, with many difficulties. Our goal is to harmonize the institutions, making this work easier, up to garner resources. These pipes are above political and ideological issues ", said.

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The Director of Cultural heritage of the FCC, Rima Azim, the collaboration between the State and municipal museums already was at the initiative of the technicians, but there was a need for a regulation. For Rima, one of the main benefits of membership is the possibility of free use of Pergamum, a programme of cataloguing and data storage that allows provide the collections on the internet, ensuring the access of the entire population.

Are goals of the agreement to establish a museum-standard, promote links between existing museums in the State, develop technical assistance programmes, promote human resources training program, encourage cultural activities, promote research, inventory, registration, monitoring and listing of works of art, and maintain the Exchange with national and international entity. Also participated in the signing of the term Museum of photography Coordinator city of Curitiba, Rodrigo Marques.

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