Exhibition “The art of winning” by Rosângela Vig

Rosângela Vig é Artista Plástica e Professora de História da Arte.
Rosângela Vig is a Visual Artist and Teacher of Art History.

In that sky more blue, purer air,
Purest dove flies? In that dark
Bush more Nivea flower pet,
The night, the light of the clear Moonlight?
(BILAC, 1997, P. 23)


The beautiful is explained by itself, by means of delicate images, in the work of Gonçalo Borges. Their work, free, It is proof that art can be filled with vivid colors, the purest demonstration of joy. In the beauty of his work are the delicacy of the pure forms of art, with inspiration in nature. And even more than that, his work translates into message of optimism.

His works can be seen until the day 4 October at the headquarters of the OAB of Santo André, from 8 to 18 h, Portugal Avenue, 233. And the exhibition is completed with the works of Celio Rosa, We are together in the same place. Worth giving a passadinha there.



Invitation Exhibition of art " Beat ". Art: Disclosure.

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BILAC, Olavo. Antologia Poética. Porto Alegre: L & PM Pocket, 1997.

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