BEYOND VAN GOGH: Immersive exhibition of Van Gogh's Monumental Work arrives in São Paulo in March 2022

BEYOND VAN GOGH: Immersive Exhibition of Van Gogh's Monumental Work. Disclosure.

Lived by millions of people around the world, the BEYOND VAN GOGH experience will change the way you see and feel the artist's genius, using state-of-the-art projection technology to create an extraordinary sensory journey. In 2022, year in which Brazil celebrates the centenary of the Week of Modern Art in 1922, … Read more

BETWEEN US-the human figure in the collection of the MASP

Candomble, circa 1930 - Pedro Figari. Photo: Disclosure.

GALLERIES 1 And 2 THE CCBB BRASILIA, FROM 18 FROM JULY TO 18 SEPTEMBER. FREE ENTRY. Exposure brings the Centro Cultural Banco do Brazil Brasilia works of the great masters of all time * CA 100 works from the largest art collection in Latin America *Presentation of two recently acquired works: ' Candomble ', by Pedro … Read more

Free Course: The self-portrait in art history

The self-portrait, one of the genres of painting, permeates all eras and pictorial styles, becoming in some cases vital element in the careers of artists such as Rembrandt, Van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, among others. The course aims to go through the history of the genre, Since your time more remote replication to contemporary art, addressing the specificities of the poetics of … Read more

APCA elects the triumph of color as the best International Exhibition 2016

The Expomus has just received the award for best international exhibition of Associação Paulista de Críticos de Arte (APCA) the shows "the triumph of Color. The Post-impressionism: masterpieces from the Musée d'Orsay and the Musée de l'Orangerie ". The show – which was playing in the CCBB of São Paulo (May to July) and the CCBB of … Read more

Philos opens documentaries about Van Gogh and Gauguin to non-subscribers

The Philos – on demand channel Globosat – will open for fifteen days for non-subscribers the documentaries "Van Gogh-the secret behind the artist" and "Gauguin-the whole story" (part 1) that are available in the collection. From day 20 July, o público poderá conhecer um pouco mais sobreRead more

CCBB Rio opens to the public "the triumph of color. The post-impressionism: masterpieces from the Musée d'Orsay and the Musée de l'Orangerie "

Fundación MAPFRE and the Musée d'Orsay, in partnership with the Centro Cultural Banco do Brazil, bring to the country the Post-Impressionist masters. The triumph of color. The post-impressionism: masterpieces from the Musée d'Orsay and the Musée de l'Orangerie features 75 works of 32 artists who, from the end of the 19TH century, buscaram novos caminhosRead more

Brazil receives exposure on post-impressionism at the CCBB

75 works from the Musée d'Orsay and the Musée de l'Orangerie come to country the Fundación MAPFRE and the Musée d'Orsay, in partnership with the Centro Cultural Banco do Brazil, bring to the country the Post-Impressionist masters. The triumph of color. The pósimpressionismo: masterpieces from the Musée d'Orsay and the Musée de l'Orangerie features 75 works of … Read more

Van Gogh and ballet "Below" the Royal Ballet are the highlights of the session the Philos + Globosat

Saturday, 26 September, at 4:30 pm the session Philos next Saturday, day 26, will present in + Globosat, at 4:30 pm, the first episode of the series "Vincent – The Full Story ", When the art critic Waldemar Januszczak recognized features, After years of research, a new viewpoint on Van Gogh. Dando continuidade àRead more