What is the importance of sustainable architecture and urbanism?

What is the importance of sustainable architecture and urbanism?. Photo: Tirachard Kumtanom no Pexels.

Sustainable architecture and urbanism is a field that has been growing more and more in recent years and, different from what many think, it doesn't just cover the most obvious issues in the subject., but, the artistic side. When thinking about architecture, it is common to imagine a sea of ​​buildings in big cities, structures … Read more

Architect and urban planner Joice Berth is featured in the program of the Women in the Arts Seminar Cycle, promoted by MAR

Art Museum of Rio. Photo: Thales Milk.

In dialogue with the exhibition “Casa Carioca”, the second module of the event will address the relationship between city, body and gender In the days 02 and 16 October, Rio Art Museum – MAR, under the management of the Institute Odeon, holds the second module of the Women in the Arts Seminar Cycle. In 2020, … Read more

Rio Art Museum holds second edition of the Women in the Arts Seminar Cycle

In dialogue with the exhibition “Casa Carioca”, which will be inaugurated at the reopening of MAR, the event is themed “Architecture and Urbanism ”After a successful first edition last year, with the auditorium of the Rio Art Museum packed to receive the artists Anna Bella Geiger and Anna Maria Maiolino and the writer … Read more

#BUT - Theological Café presents: "Colonial Heritage Latin American"

The Sacred Art Museum of Sao Paulo promotes on 10 October 2018 Café Theological “Colonial Latin American heritage “, with Professor. Dr. Percival Tirapeli. this coffee, see how years of research can generate an interesting and full publication - in text and pleasant and attractive images to anyone. Percival Tirapeli, after dedicating part of the … Read more