Artistic interventions give new colors to the Rebouças Mill

Four major artistic interventions begin to give colors to the Rebouças Mill, current headquarters of the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba. The artists Christina Pagnoncelli, Estevan Reder, Wes Range, Coffee and Dell Raj started this week the transformation of space-themed façade that celebrate the city, people and nature. Work continues in production until the next … Read more

Artists curitibanos feature series of clips in the chapel Santa Maria

The chapel Santa Maria is the first season of "live at the chapel", where musicians curitibanos various styles participated in the recording of video clips. In partnership with Rolling Stone magazine, the Cultural Foundation of Curitiba produced 17 episodes that show the combination between musical genres varied and classical concert space. … Read more

Partnership with restaurant chain extends visibility of curitibanos clips

Partnership with restaurant chain extends visibility of curitibanos clips music copyright Curitiba wins more a push to expand its visibility and becomes an attraction on network TV circuit Madero. Even in August, the clips of musicians and local bands will be displayed in the 55 unidades da cadeia de restaurantes do chefRead more