rack or panel: which one is best for your room?

rack or panel: which one is best for your room?. Photo: Jean van der Meulen.

Time ago, the support of a television depended only on a shelf or rack, which in turn, supported other objects as well. luckily that changed, and today we have the best for your living room. Ainda há pessoas que acham que a televisão não faz parte da decoração de uma casa. In fact, basta imaginar umaRead more

See which decor matches your personality

See which decor matches your personality. Image from rawpixel.com on Freepik.

Choosing the perfect decor is always a challenge., being necessary to raise a series of questions even before doing something simple like painting a wall. which color to choose? what brand of paint? Should I use two shades? E as perguntas não param de crescer na medida em que novas escolhas precisam ser feitas paraRead more

Integrated balcony is a good option or not? know about

Integrated balcony is a good option or not? know about. Photo: Max Vakhtbovych.

Having the balcony integrated is a new interior decoration trend that has conquered more and more people., because it is an excellent option especially for apartments. After all, with smaller and smaller apes, It's important to take advantage of every space, and why not create an integrated balcony? This trend presents a possibility … Read more

Tips for creating a timeless decor

Tips for creating a timeless decor. Photo: Imagem de vanitjan no Freepik.

Decoration is one of the main elements when we think about our home and to emphasize every corner to the fullest., so considering timeless decor tends to value your home and always keep it current and authentic. Investing in decorative trends is actually a lot of fun and tends to enhance the decor of your home. … Read more

Here's how to make your kitchen look bigger from decor

Here's how to make your kitchen look bigger from decor. Photo: Imagem de vanitjan no Freepik.

The kitchen is usually the meeting point in homes across Brazil., After all, that's where that cafe goes and everyone gets together to chat, kill the longing and share your stories. historically, this room always had good spaces, where it was possible to invest in decoration in addition to having lots of furniture and appliances. … Read more

Porcelain: learn how to choose the right finish

Porcelain: learn how to choose the right finish. Freepik image.

Choosing the finish for a house or apartment is quite a challenge., and today there are thousands of options available in the market and of the most varied types, colors, textures and prices. The finish is what will give face to a space, seja o acabamento do piso que fica no chão ou até mesmo das paredesRead more

Learn to assemble closets for small spaces

Learn to assemble closets for small spaces. Photo: Freepik.

For those who have a small space at home and still love closets and want to build one, we came to give good news: It is quite possible to have a special corner with your clothes, shoes and bags, even with little space available in your room. After all, não é preciso esperar ter um grande espaço à disposição ouRead more

Here's how to make your kitchen look bigger

Here's how to make your kitchen look bigger. Photo: Image of kjpargeter on Freepik.

To keep the house organized, It is important to pay attention to all the rooms present there, cada um merecendo um destaque específico de acordo com a disposição dos móveis ou até mesmo o espaço disponível na residência para a cozinha e outros cantos. Sendo necessário adotar um estilo de design que favoreça da melhor formaRead more