Book Launch “Intangible Heritage: in perspective”

Book launching KEN SOARES DOS REIS – BETHANY Goncalves Figueiredo invited to the launch of his book Intangible Heritage: Perspective day 22/08 Saturday 10 am Liberty Square, 21 Employees – Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil Invitation:

Alice Nogueira da Gama and Uniduni Publisher invite to the launch of the book “Secrets of a grandmother OWL”

Saturday 25/07 to 9:30h Liberty Square, 21 Funcionários – Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil Invitation: Luiz de Bessa State Public Library Paulo Campos Guimarães Art Gallery Information: 31 3309-4272 | . [facebook] Come with us, Get the News by e-mail: E-mail . . [tweet] . WEBSITE Artistas Contemporâneos Galeria de Obras deRead more

Sexy Lady invites you to the launch of your book “Ave, Outback! Birds in Grande Sertão: Paths”

Sexy Lady invites you to the launch of your book “Ave, Outback! Birds in Grande Sertão: Paths” Day 21 th July 2015 19h Liberty Square, 21 Funcionários – Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil Invitation: Luiz de Bessa State Public Library Paulo Campos Guimarães Art Gallery Information: 31 3269-1204 | . [facebook] … Read more

Exhibition of Artist's Books of Lívia Limp

LIVIA LIMP “Xilócopa # 2” Exhibition of artist books Day 06/07/2015 Monday 7:00 pm freedom square, 21 Funcionários – Belo Horizonte – MG – Brazil Invitation: . [facebook] Come with us, Get the News by e-mail: E-mail . . [tweet] . WEBSITE Contemporary Artists Google Artworks Gallery + | Facebook Fan Page | Twitter