Auguste Rodin-The Modernist Awakening

MARCANTONIO VILAÇA CULTURAL SPACE-TCU-OF 17 FROM AUGUST TO 5 NOVEMBER 2016. Rodin sculptures and photographs about the artist and his work for the first time in Brasilia *14 sculptures of the father of modern sculpture and 36 fotografias *Curadoria de Marcus Lontra *Entrada franca Um dos escultores mais famosos daRead more

Art Agenda 2016 the curator Maria dos Anjos Oliveira by Rosangela Vig

In the midst of commitments and busy day by day, art permeates and eases the hustle and bustle, through the joy of colors and shapes. And the art penetrated the agenda that will circulate this year amid the Olympic Committee, in Brazil. The cover to the content, richly illustrated, by carefully selected artists works, … Read more

IV Cultural Shows YES (Sustainability, Exchange and movement) by Rosângela Vig

Maybe not sufficient experience and energy to that culture is widespread and, with her, education. Still it takes a passionate spirit, able to get interest in other, so contagious and definitive. This is the impetus that drives the Cultural Centre of Eunápolis, in Bahia, curated by … Read more

Chat with the sculptor Vilma Noel

The Braille Sector is performing in the period 04 September to 17 of October the exhibition "Tactile Feeling", the mining sculptress Vilma Noel. And has the honour to invite you to participate in a dynamic chat for the artist's interaction with the public, on 15 October (Thursday), to 14:30. Este é maisRead more

SESC Pinheiros – display the edges of the seas by Rosangela Vig

The Margins of the Seas This characteristic of reinventing is part of the artist's spirit and has built the History of Art. And it's that look, always new, but so ephemeral and transient, the artist transforms and Immortalizes. Your hands are always eager to capture these codes and turn them into art and therefore, in memory. … Read more

Mater Dolorosa by Elias Layon

Cedar wood sculpture measuring 90 cm high. Golden by my helper Magnum Alexandre Soares. Embodied and auctioned by me. Glass eyes. Crown of thorns and the nails of crucifixion, on the basis. [facebook] Ode to the sculptor Elias Layon The hand of the sculptor Elias Layon is at the service of sensitivity. The block of … Read more

The Prehistoric Art by Rosângela Vig

Fig. 1 -Northeast Tradition – archaeological site Plays the entry do Piauí. FUMDHAM. Photo of André Pessoa. Primitive art.

You can also listen to this article in the voice of own Plastic Artist Rosângela Vig: Since the early days, Art has been an instrument for the humanbeing to show reflections about the world and to communicate, thoughts to the contemporaries and to the later periods. The autonomy of the geniuses were ruled by aim to copy the models of nature, seen as … Read more

“César Prada” And what is Art, When is True, but the Most Intense Form of Life?

César Prada Como aprofundar-se no universo pictórico de um artista? It is possible to delimit the border that separates the own biography, the real life, of that other world that reveal, evoke or creations arise plastic? Does it make sense to formulate the classic dilemma between art and life of the artist? No caso deRead more