Ceramist artists present new collections in a show at Quanto Café dia 11/06, valentine's day eve

Felipe Laraia, @seubarromeu. Photo: Disclosure.

The dry season has arrived and with it the typical June chill. to enjoy this season, Brasilia potters hold a fair on a beautiful, tree-lined lawn and offer hot food to customers. Here comes a new edition of: Itinerant Author Ceramics Fair, of number 5 and which takes place on the eve of … Read more

Writer creates festival of lives to celebrate Valentine’s Day

Festival san laiventin, banner. Disclosure.

In a promotional campaign for your new short story, the writer Paula Neiva conducts the Festival San LAIVEntin with the participation of famous personalities of the literary market. Publishers aimed at young audiences, romance authors, literary magazine and podcast are among the guests with confirmed presence at the Festival San LAIVEntin, a festival of lives that writer Paula Neiva … Read more

In the month of valentine, o Italian Cultural Institute realizes as séries "Everyone in the Kitchen"

Instituto Italiano de Cultura realizes as séries "Everyone in the Kitchen". Disclosure.

In the month of valentine, the Italian Institute of Culture runs the “Tutti in Cucina” series of virtual gastronomic videos on Mondays and Fridays led by Chefs of Italian cuisine Michele Petenzi, Benedetta Giustozzi and Rossella Speranza Aos sábados, no "Nicola's Aperitif", the Italian bartender residing in Brazil, Nicola Bara will teach drinks and cocktails, delicious, … Read more