Timeless Beauty of Ceramics in Interior Decoration

Timeless Beauty of Ceramics in Interior Decoration. Photo: br.depositphotos.com.

In the art of interior decoration, ceramics stands out as one of the oldest and most timeless forms of artistic expression. Since time immemorial, humanity has molded clay into diverse shapes, creating pieces that transcend cultures and eras. In this article, we will delve into the depths of the history of ceramics and explore how these works of art … Read more

Modernist Gallery hosts the exhibition “From the earth” from 21/1, Saturday

Dorothy Lederman. Photo: Dario Zalis.

Until March, show in Santa Teresa brings together ceramic works signed by award-winning artists From the day 21 January, Saturday, Iconic association of the Carioca Carnival, in Santa Teresa, will host the exhibition “Da Terra”, curated by Thelma Innecco and coordinated by Dony Gonçalves. By 18 March, the public will be able to view works produced in … Read more

Five artists present sculptural ceramic pieces at the exhibition “Intemperismos – Barro, fire and art”

Emiliano Nunes. Photo: Isabel Se Oh.

Group show with five visual artists from Brasilia, exhibits sculptural pieces – in ceramic – ranging from inventive to ingenious When talking about high-temperature ceramic pieces, the image of utilities soon comes to mind, but in “Weathering – Barro, fire and art, the artists Débora Amorim, Emiliano Nunes, Isabel Se Oh, JúliaRead more

beyond the hobby: “Ceramist's Journey” teaches you how to build a profitable ceramic business

Carol Lamaita has been working with ceramics for 20 years, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

A famous saying from Paraíba says that “the first craftsman was God who, after creating the world, took the clay and made Adam.”. That's because ceramic arts shape minerals from the earth, like metals, mud, clay, sand, generating tools, ornamental pieces and the most varied products. Scholars claim that pottery is the “older … Read more

Female protagonism in ceramic art show at Cafeteria Pató, day 12 March

Cris Martim. Photo:Cris Martinm.

The Cafeteria Pató, and CLN 407 North, receives a new edition of the Itinerant Author Ceramics Fair Showcase of utilitarian and artistic ceramics that circulates through cafes in the Federal District In a mostly male market, the art production, in the creation of low or high temperature ceramic pieces, o que se observaRead more

Torrando Cafe (CLN 109), Torrando Cafe

Ceramic implement. Photo: Torrando Cafe.

large works by one of the biggest names in sculpture n.., large works by one of the biggest names in sculpture n..: Feira Itinerante de Cerâmica Autoral Um descontraído encontro de pessoas que apreciam exclusividade no seu dia a dia com trabalhos realizados por artistas da nossa cidade Patrimônio Cultural da Humanidade, Brasília está na lista das cidades consideradas um Museu aRead more

Among the participating artists are Mestre Zinho

Master Zinho. Photo: Renato Acha.

Ceramic Art and Crafts Fair 1st Meeting of Ceramists from DF and Surroundings 29 and 30 January 2022 Living Museum of Candanga Memory Free entry Ceramic production boomed during the pandemic. Social isolation changed habits, the relationship with the house and the search for activities that unite creativity … Read more

I Meeting of Ceramists of the Federal District and Surroundings opens free registration for Ceramic Workshops

Ana Canetti. Photo: Mariana Alves.

Registration until 17 January 2022 in bit.ly/Oficinasde Ceramica Oficinas de 25 to 28 January 2022 The 1st Meeting of Ceramists of the Federal District and Surroundings will bring together artisans, students and the public interested in arts and crafts to enjoy a free program with lectures, Circles of conversation, pottery workshops, video show, … Read more

Ceramic Art and Crafts Fair opens free entries for artists from the Federal District and the surrounding areas

Work by Hilda Freire de Olhos D'Água, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

Candanga Memory Living Museum Inscriptions: By 31 th December 2021 no link: bit.ly/InscricaoFeiraArteArtesanatoCeramica The Ceramic Art and Crafts Fair will be part of the 1st Encounter of Ceramists of the Federal District and Surroundings. The event will bring together artisans, students and the public interested in arts and crafts to enjoy a program with lectures, wheels … Read more

10 artists exhibit their ceramic works at the – how much coffee – Saturday, day 18

Debora Amorim. Photo: Disclosure.

The charming As Coffee, at 103 North, receive day 18 of december, Saturday, the first edition of the Traveling Fair of Authorial Ceramics Artists ceramists invite Brasília to appreciate their works and take the opportunity to present them with exclusivity this Christmas The moment that emerges when it comes to consuming, has been gaining new contours. the disposable lost … Read more