Teresa Cristina takes her ‘live’ for Instagram of Canal Futura, on Black Awareness Day

Teresa Cristina, DVD 2019, Theatro Net Rio, featured. Photo: @MarcosHermes.

This Friday, day 20, singer makes artistic occupation with repertoire dedicated to black culture Date will also be marked by 24 hours of special programming on Canal screens, including the debut of two new series, that bring an episode about black genocide and immersion in candomblé The singer Teresa Cristina will occupy the Channel's Instagram … Read more

Canal Futura debut "What Is This Body?”, series that alert to combat sexual violence against children and adolescents

In partnership with UNICEF and Childhood Brazil, the series debut on interprograms 18 de Mayo, at 8:0 pm, and will be broadcast during breaks in the schedule. 2016, more than 76 mil denúncias de violências contra crianças e adolescentes foram notificadas pelo Disque Direitos Humanos e disponibilizadas pela Secretaria Especial de DireitosRead more

Mental health and feminism are the themes of the 7th winners DOC Future

Pitching has, for the first time, two winners. “Ouvidores de Vozes” was elected by the Canal's panel of judges and “# agoraquesãoelas” was the most voted by the public on Twitter Com 60 audiovisual projects entered, the 7th DOC Futura pitching selected, for the first time, two documentaries for co-production and screening on Canal Futura: "Oidores of voices", also L4 … Read more

Future with digital quality

From February, novelty brings benefits to viewers From the day 26 This month, Futura signal for satellite dishes, There will be analog to be, exclusively, digital. The change provides pictures with brighter colors, sharper and stable, In addition to sound with better quality. Outra vantagem da transmissãoRead more

Latin American musicians are featured in the Future

New season of Bio. Future presents the life and work of artists like Gilberto Gil and Silvio Rodríguez to Latin America is in evidence in the new season of Future Bio.. After presenting the biography of singers like Mercedes Sosa and Gal Costa, now is the time of Latin American musicians. The documentaries have lasting 60 minutos eRead more

"Lift!"followed by Debate in Rio Festival 2015, This Friday, 9/10

Directors of the documentary produced by Canal Futura in partnership with the Operating Mode and Embaúba dialogue with the audience after the screening in the Federal Justice Cultural Center, at seven in the same session, será exibido o documentário “A Marcha dos Elefantes Brancos” e o diretor também participa do debate “Levante!”, winner of the 5th pitching DOC Future, … Read more

Rio Festival 2015 Displays documentary "Lift!”

Produced by Canal Futura in partnership with the Operating Mode and Embaúba, the film was the winner of the 5th pitching DOC Futura De 1 to 14 October, the Rio Festival will screen the documentary “Levante!”, winner of the 5th pitching DOC Future. Inserted in the Frontiers show, o filme é uma produção do Canal Futura em parceria comRead more