“Reflection of our habits in the kitchen and balcony” by Jessica Tan

Jessica Theodoro é Designer de Interiores.
Jessica Tan is Interior Designer.

With the passage of time, our habits have changed and this reflected in our house and apartments. In the 80, the apartments were bigger rooms and bathrooms employed. Nowadays, this room practically no longer exists and the demand for gourmet balcony is important when choosing a new home.

All these changes occurred, through our behaviors. Before we had the habit of receiving relatives and friends at home, and the kitchen was pretty much used for quick meals and easy, and legal personnel was to find in places like bars and restaurants, so the house was used only as a haven of rest.

The kitchen was used traditional, all closed and with door. This project was the most common, for once, without changes in eating habits, It was normal frying and all kitchen stay with frying smell, A case was opened, whole apartment would also.


Gone is the time that the kitchen was part of the service area, currently it has more status and greater interaction, one of the options is the kitchen, which separates the environments through a counter in one of the walls, and so the cook is not isolated from the family.

Then, with the advancement of technology, We started spending more time at home and with that we open our home to friends and relatives for lunch and dinner, and so, the kitchen was not satisfactory and there was a greater need for interaction with all environments with no wall, that is, living room, dining room and kitchen all open to have a greater range of rooms, Integrated kitchen.

For more apartments and to those who believe that the art of receiving should be a unique experience, It opts for gourmet cuisine, her difference to a bench that is integrated uni other environments (living room, dining and kitchen) and where the cooktop for greater involvement with guests, because it is a more modern kitchen, other appliances such as ovens, wineries and grills are built.

An environment that makes all the difference when purchasing an apartment today, It is the gourmet balcony, which before served only to contemplate the external landscape. Now gets another utility, to bring people to the "outdoor" and meetings related to food or in the case of lofts and flats, where space is limited and we only have the basics of carpentry and equipment in this area, the balcony becomes extension of the kitchen.

An important detail when designing a kitchen: are the electrical and plumbing points. Because, in electrical projects we have to think about the appliances used in the kitchen and put the height of the outlet according to each object, for example, taking the refrigerator will not be at the same height of a hood and so, on. For the hydraulic design, We need to plan the points of water and sewage and be aware of the quality of records and taps not to have future problems.

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To decorate this space, it needs to be beautiful and functional. We can observe, a pattern of areas of coatings such as porcelain kitchen floors and walls in. So that now, if you want to get away from the traditional and leave the environment more personality, invest in brick in sight, tiles, burnt cement or paint on slate to flow creativity and note recadinhos during the week.

Studio Cris Paola: www.instagram.com/studiocrispaola

Hamilton Penna: www.instagram.com/hamiltonpenna

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