Italian groups enliven the Ethnic Flag


Two Italian folk groups are the attractions of the next Sunday (2), in the Ethnic Flag program, that happens in Curitiba Memorial, from 11:0. The Gruppo Folklorístico Giardino D ' Amuri, the Santa Felicidade campus, make a presentation and brings guest Danc'Itali group, of Thirty Brook (SC).

Various regions of Italy are represented in the dances and costumes of the two groups. The Giardino D Amuri was founded in 2000, with the objective to promote the Italian culture through singing and dances. The Group seeks to rescue faithful Italian demonstrations, through cultural exchange with all the regions of Italy, preserving the authenticity of each place. His work is based on research into the regions of Campania, Lombardy, Lazio, Trento, Piemonte, Sicily, Abruzzo, Veneto, Friuli Venezia-Giulia, Calabria, among others.

The fidelity of the costumes is one of the strengths of the Group, because the costume is made after much study and research, based on original materials, being some parts come from Italy's own. The Giardino D ’ amuri has great experience of stage, with several holdings in folk festivals, cultural fairs, Italian nights and dinners.


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Grupo Danc'Itali. Foto: Divulgação.
Grupo Danc’Itali. Photo: Disclosure.

The Group also has strong characteristics Danc'Itali Santa Catarina, brought by pioneers who not measured efforts to preserve its origins. Founded in 1991, aims to show and share through dance the fun side and curious of the culture and customs of their ancestors.

In the interval between the two presentations there will be a moment of Afro-Brazilian culture. The President of the Cultural Center Humaitá and coordinator of human rights and Racial Equality of Curitiba, Adegmar Silva (Candiero), do a recital of poetry of authors afro-curitibanos.

Ethnic Pavilion – Gruppo Folklorístico Giardino Of Amuri and Danc'Itali Group/afro-curitibanos authors poetry Recital
Local: Curitiba Memorial-R. Claudino dos Santos, 79 – Historical center
Date and time: 2 th July 2017 (Sunday), às 11h
Free entry

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