CAWU Gallery receives SINGULARITIES Exhibition by Artist Ivone Segade under the curatorship of Luciana Telles

CAWU Gallery holds virtual exhibitions by Independent Artists from Brazil and abroad.


The Exhibition SINGULARITIES of the Artist ivone segade under the curatorship of Luciana Telles, go until the day 22 December.

ivone segade, 53 years, is a psychiatrist from Rio de Janeiro. Drawing and painting since childhood. He learned to read and write before he even got to school. Autodidact (self taught), even started a free painting course to improve her natural artistic skills. His works are marked by strong expressiveness. Just like you use colors to paint what you feel, uses the pen to put ideas on paper that turn into words. Multi-language artist, multiple looks.

Ivone Segade. Foto: Divulgação.
ivone segade. Photo: Disclosure.

In 2019 held three exhibitions in cultural spaces in the capital of Rio de Janeiro, where besides the frames, soirees were presented with poetry of his own, played by young actors. since March 2020, when did the quarantine start, has been participating in several virtual events, like festivals, exhibitions and shows in partnership with Luciana Telles, curator and actress.


From April to July 2021 joined the group of visual artists at Galeria 27 in Búzios, city ​​of the lakes region in Rio de Janeiro, where some of his paintings were exhibited. In September 2021 some of his works were published in the 10th edition of the national and international magazine ARTE & STYLE.

From September to November of the current year, he held the exhibition CONEXÕES at the Estação Viva cultural space., in Canelas Estarreja, Portugal, through the partnership with the visual artist and space coordinator, Mario Afonso.

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Direct sales with the Curator and the Artist.


Cel.: (21) 96733- 1210
Instagram: @tellesc.luciana
Facebook: Luciana Telles
Instagram: @ivonesegade
Facebook: ivone segade

Free Service:
Day: 08 – 22 December

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