Photographic exhibition “Paisagear: the art of photographing”, by Rosângela Vig

Rosângela Vig is a Visual Artist and Teacher of Art History.

To dream is to see the invisible forms
From the inaccurate distance and, with sensitive
Movements of hope and will,
Seek the cold horizon line
The tree, the beach, the flower, the bird, the fountain –
The deserved kisses of the truth.
(PESSOA, 2006, p. 68)


While the gaze is lost in the chaos of the metropolises drowned in monochrome, the human being will be lost along the paths of disenchantment, of urban anxieties, of unbridled life and the gray mass that suffocates. The eye then fails to perceive the green that consecrates life and that transmutes with each new season., every shade of the day; will lose the colors that blend in the gardens outside; and the ecstatic hues of every corner of the world.

If only for a minute you were allowed to catch a glimpse of the distant line that divides the sky and the ground, the look would be surrounded by deep delight. It is breathtaking to be enchanted by the world in which we were allowed to live and enjoy. It is seductive to look at the infinite horizon and feel the colors that gradually change..

This gaze enraptured by the world led Art curator Rita Caruzzo to bring together five photographers for a beautiful artistic proposal.. one Godoy, Malu Montesino, Renata Bonfim, Sandra Losano and Soso Botture are showing the public the natural sights, seascapes, rural and urban areas of our great country.


Faced with an endless amount of exuberant Brazilian scenes and with a camera at hand, professionals captured moments, places and nature. More than just enchantment, the images provoke an awakening about the dangers that plague and unbalance the environment, mostly, caused by human.

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Fostering thought about what world we want for the next generations is the main purpose of this shows that starts in 29 September and ends in 30 October 2022, at Shopping Frei Caneca, in São Paulo. the opening in the day 29 will be at 19 hours and receives support from the company Moinho Brasil, who has been working side by side with Art and artists for so long.

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If there was a prayer to say, it would be so that our gaze would always and infinitely be enchanted by the flights of butterflies; with the gardens tinted in spring; with the warm nuances of summer; and with the icy landscapes of winter. It would also be so that human beings would feel sorry for nature and allow it to continue to delight us with the horizon line.; that the images do not just remain as records of something that no longer exists; and, above all that our Art professionals can still portray endless natural spectacles of such a beautiful world.


  1. PESSOA, Fernando. Poetic work 1: Message. Porto Alegre: L&PM Pocket, 2006.

Sorocaba  São Paulo
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