beyond the hobby: “Ceramist's Journey” teaches you how to build a profitable ceramic business

Carol Lamaita has been working with ceramics for 20 years, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

A famous saying from Paraíba says that “the first craftsman was God who, after creating the world, took the clay and made Adam.”. That's because ceramic arts shape minerals from the earth, like metals, mud, clay, sand, generating tools, ornamental pieces and the most varied products. Scholars claim that pottery is the “older … Read more

Oficina Som Entre Fronteiras is open for registration

Oficina Som Entre Fronteiras is open for registration, Flyer - featured. Disclosure.

Free and online activity takes place from 3 to 17 October via Zoom The Secretary of Culture (Sedac), through the State Film Institute (Iecine), opens registration for another workshop of the professional training project Revealing Rio Grande: Sound Between Borders. The activity will be taught by the sound designer and direct sound technician, … Read more

Galeria Modernistas in Rio de Janeiro opens registration for the Living Model Workshop

Galeria Modernistas in Rio de Janeiro opens registration for the Living Model Workshop. Photo: Disclosure.

Beginners and artists can join the weekly classes starting on Saturday, 17 September The Modernist Gallery, in Santa Teresa, will start the next day 17 September, Saturday, to Living Model Office, in person, guided by the filmmaker, plastic artist and professor at UFRJ Alexandre Palma. “The workshop is practical … Read more

There's still time to register for the course. “Film Direction”

CCJF - Cinematographic Direction with Luiz Carlos Lacerda, course. Disclosure.

There are a few days left before the deadline for registration for the course "Film Direction”. The course, which will be taught by Professor Luiz Carlos Lacerda, will present basic notions of film direction - from the script and its technical decoupage, to the construction of language through the dramaturgical use of (determinants of filmic style) and … Read more

Frida Kahlo: Online course brings life and work of the artist

Frida Kahlo: Online course brings life and work of the artist, featured. Photo: Disclosure / Aline Pascholati.

Visual artist and art historian Aline Pascholati has just launched her third online course dedicated to learning the History of Art, this time, about the amazing Frida Kahlo, early 20th century Mexican artist who became an icon of contemporary pop culture. Frida was a woman ahead of her time., … Read more


Course “Cultural Engineering Strategies for Sponsorship Capture” with Mario Fernando Margutti Pinto promoted by CCJF. Disclosure.

Tomorrow starts the course “Cultural Engineering Strategies for Sponsorship Capture” promoted by the CCJF, but there are still few places available. It will be an online and fully interactive course, given by the president of Instituto Cultural Cidade Viva, master in Communication and Culture, consultant and teacher, Mario Fernando Margutti Pinto. The course will cover marketing concepts … Read more

Course on Accountability for Cultural and Social Projects

CCJF Cultural Festival at Home. Disclosure.

Last Registration Days There are only a few days left before the registration deadline for the Accountability for Cultural and Social Projects course, taught by Sandra Helena Pedroso. The course will take place online, in the days 10 and 13 September, from 10:00 to 12:00, on the CCJF Zoom platform. The course will cover the basics of … Read more

Last days of registration for the course Data Organization and Construction of Indicators for Cultural Management

CCJF Cultural Festival at Home. Disclosure.

There are just a few days to go before the enrollment deadline for the course Data Organization and Construction of Indicators for Cultural Management, taught by Daniele Dantas, promoted by the CCJF. The course will be on the days 23 and 25 August, from 18h to 21h. The course will introduce students to ways to organize data, build up … Read more


Italo Moriconi, featured. Photo: Disclosure.

The poet and professor of History of Art Nuno Rau leads a workshop on Poetic Experimentation between 9/8 and 29/11, always on mondays, from 17h to 19h, by Instituto Estação das Letras. The meetings are online and will work with the thought and practice of the poem today: what is the poem? The … Read more

CCJF Cultural Festival at Home

CCJF Cultural Festival at Home. Disclosure.

The Federal Justice Cultural Center presents the CCJF Cultural Festival at Home, an online space for performances, shows, theatrical presentations, movie showing, lectures, chats, courses, shows, show, among other activities. The Festival will begin this July and reinforces the CCJF's mission of encouraging and guaranteeing access for the population … Read more